
Welcome to my personal blog. This site is a record of my progress, development and struggle to attain a Black Belt in Haedong Kumdo – the ultimate Korean Sword Martial Art.

Here on these pages you will be able to join with me and follow my training, grading and achievements; view my failings and pathetic attempts as well as share in my more enlightened moments, as I undertake this personal challenge to once again reach the Dan Grades in a Martial Art.

17 January 2007

About Me

Ooops, just realised that anyone reading this Blog won’t have a clue about me or what is going on here. It’s a long story as they say but I’ll try and be brief.

A long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away …. there was this young, fighting fit, Judo bloke called Steve Allan. He started his Martial Arts training at the end of 1974 having joined the Royal Air Force. In those days of olde one could scream through the grades and it wasn’t long before he was not only a Black Belt, but fighting, and winning competitions for the RAF Judo Team around the world.

He left the RAF in 1984 and lost touch with his Judoka colleagues, gradually putting on weight and becoming increasingly unfit until he grossed 17st 10lb by 2005. Hard to believe but you have to see the photos – which are not going to be shown to you!

Anyhow, to cut a long story short, I retired in 2002 (ish) but had to give that life up when my son, Luke, was born in April 2005 – he’s such a treasure – but I want to be there for him when he is older and to do that, I need to live a healthier lifestyle!

12 January 2007

Master Paul Giffen - United Kingdom

Early days but my Instructor for Haedong Kumdo sword will be Master Paul Giffen of Giffen’s Tang Soo Do. (3rd Dan Haedong Kumdo, 4th Dan Master Tang Soo Do, 3rd Dan Ki Do, 2nd Dan Kickboxing).
The Peterborough Haedong Kumdo Club meet most
Tuesday Evenings between
7.45 - 8.45 pm at:

The Cresset
Cambs PE3 8DX

Telephone: 01733 333523 for more information

09 January 2007

Dragon Black Belt Academy

Well, here we go on the long or short adventure. I’ve taken the first step and joined the Dragon Black Belt Academy in Peterborough, UK. I have all the equipment I need to start Haedong Kumdo and have had my first lesson. It was not too bad at all and there are a great bunch of guys and girls to train with.

02 January 2007

Happy New Year - 2007

We all make New Year’s resolutions and so here is mine – who knows how long it will last? The photo is from Christmas Day that’s me (on the left) and my daughter Amy on the right. In the middle is a brand new Mokkum – a wooden sword from my friends Mat and Babs.

My New Year’s resolution is to take up the ancient Korean sword art of Haedong Kumdo. I’ve already bought a Do-bok (uniform) and will be off down to the Do-jang (training gym) later this week for my very first lesson.

I’ll be fifty (50) in August this year and I’m just wondering what is in store – what a time to start again.