
Welcome to my personal blog. This site is a record of my progress, development and struggle to attain a Black Belt in Haedong Kumdo – the ultimate Korean Sword Martial Art.

Here on these pages you will be able to join with me and follow my training, grading and achievements; view my failings and pathetic attempts as well as share in my more enlightened moments, as I undertake this personal challenge to once again reach the Dan Grades in a Martial Art.

27 May 2008

All in the mind?

This injury is getting to me now. It seems the more I train the longer I’m going to be out of action. But I can’t go on at half speed – things to do, monsters to kill …. grading, competition and lots of other things to achieve.

One thing I have thought through though is completing Forms ‘in my head’. The idea may be of use to others and it seems to work for me so have a stab at it – no need to break your foot before you start!

Basically, find some quiet time and space and just imagine, in your head, that you are doing a particular Form or Draw. Take you’re time and concentrate it really works. I also check out the Form with the training book and/or my notes book and, surprisingly, have come up with a few revisions which I need to correct when next training for real.

I’m going to try the grading next week, with my foot and ankle strapped up, and then see how I get on before deciding on the competition for 8 June 2008.

25 May 2008


I’ve just been playing with my ‘live’ sword – like you do! Seeing what it will do, how it works, getting used to the weight and feel of the blade as well as trying not to imagine what would happen if I had an accident with it!

Now, about this razor sharp cutting edge, how to appreciate this? So I thought I would get out a banana and rest the blade on top of it to see what it would do. Doh!

Well as you can see – no effort, no hacking or downward force needed, the simple weight of the blade sliced through the banana skin all the way through in one clean, sharp cut. Ouch!

That’s my nerve gone for today – will practice again soon – oh dear!

20 May 2008

Broke my Foot - Update

Well, I’m over the shock of this training disaster? My left foot is still painful and bruised but at least the swelling has gone down. I’ve chipped a small bone off one of the other bones in my foot and it is now cutting into me when I move – especially when I train. (You didn’t think I was going to stop training did you?)

The Achilles tendon is still sore too – in fact more so than the break. It actually stops you from even walking properly – every step I take is painful and makes me limp. More frustratingly I can’t jump or twist or even stand on up my toes.

I will need to cut down on the training as it is pointless and I may even do more damage. I’m no longer sure about entering the competition, especially with me doing Yedo 5. I’m not even sure I will grade this time – what a setback!

Never say never though! And I can still swim!

16 May 2008

Broke my Foot!

How stupid can you be? I’ve not only broken a small bone in my left foot but pulled the Achilles tendon in my right leg at the same time. I thought I was at the bottom of the ladder but had one step to go – and missed.

It’s not a bad break, no need to set in plaster – it’s just swollen and very badly bruised. In fact it looks far worse than it feels – but my right leg is causing me lots of pain. Stupid, stupid boy!

I’ve got three weeks to my grading and four weeks to the competition – why now? I’m really in a bad mood. No training!

14 May 2008

Growing in Confidence

Just a review really – just so I can keep my brain in order. Computers write things to disc to free up memory so I’ll try the same? I feel I’m improving at last – not sure if others do – but things are starting to click into place. (Mostly my elbow!)

I can do all the stuff I need for my next grading three weeks away so I have time to improve some more and lessons in hand so to speak. My fitness and weight loss/muscle gain is all better, stretching still poor but increasing and I feel more alert, awake and alive!

The club has also put together a team of students to enter the June competition and I’ve been selected as Captain of the team – a nice thought, so let’s hope we all do well and clean up on the trophies.

June is looking like being an exciting month: grading, competition and, all being well, another visit by Grand Master Eddie from South Africa – fantastic!

09 May 2008

Criminal Justice Act ‘2008’ Amended

OK here is some great news!

It appears the Criminal Justice Act was amended on 3 April 2008 to allow decent folk to participate in the selling, making, hiring or importing Samurai swords in England and Wales.

Under this legislation a defence for a person charged under Section 141(1) of the Criminal Justice Act 1988 would be to state that the sword was required to participate in a historical re-enactment or a sporting activity (where the practising of a sport requires the use of a weapon) and the necessary insurance.

Full details of the legislation amendment can be found at:


Now that sounds much better!

06 May 2008

Competition - Yedo 5

Here is a little announcement? Not sure what I am letting myself in for but I have decided to enter our local Haedong Kumdo competition on 8 June 2008 – in all three Sections: Draws, Forms and Paper Cutting.

Cutting I can do – I just have to get lucky on the day. Draws – I’ll have to think – I only know twelve (well, twenty-four if you count both directions). I need to do five, consecutively, ending with a bow but which?

Forms! A big problem as I only know the first five well enough for a competition. I’m currently learning six and seven but I’ll not be ready with them in just a few weeks.

Before Christmas though we had a look at Yedo 5 – it’s a form I really like so I asked Master Giffen tonight if it would be OK to enter the Forms Section of the Competition with it.

Well, yes I can, but it will be a tall order. The trouble is, I was first in a similar competition last year doing Form 2 and, I guess, people will expect me to do the same again? However, the only other higher Forms I know just don’t flow with me yet. So if I stand a chance at all of doing well, I’ll have to do something else.

I don’t mind not winning – so long as I don’t come last – but I do like to push the boundaries as far and as high as I can and do my very best. I'll enjoy it anyhow - unless I fall over in the middle! Arrg - the thought of it. Don't go there.