My first serious problem occurred when I was cleaning and polishing my practice sword and noticed I had a spot of rust on the blade. I polish my sword almost every time I use it but it must have become wet or damp somehow when I put it away – and when I got it out again there it was, rust! Arrrrrg!
So I need another special mention for one very helpful Rod Waterhouse of RGW Handforged Katanas, the place I purchased my very first ‘Kakum’ sword from. Rod is very knowledgeable and happy to share his knowledge. His web site is http://www.rgwhandforgedkatanas.co.uk/ and you can also arrange to meet him to ‘try’ a sword before you buy.
I got the spot of rust out by the way without any problems and have added a few more Haedong Kumdo skills to my bow (!) which are not in the book.
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