
Welcome to my personal blog. This site is a record of my progress, development and struggle to attain a Black Belt in Haedong Kumdo – the ultimate Korean Sword Martial Art.

Here on these pages you will be able to join with me and follow my training, grading and achievements; view my failings and pathetic attempts as well as share in my more enlightened moments, as I undertake this personal challenge to once again reach the Dan Grades in a Martial Art.

27 March 2007

Mokkum and Kum Chib

Hi again, Haedong!

I’ve been doing some thinking about my training and progress to date and have decided to make some changes. The Mokkom I started with in January is fine but it is a little small and too light for me. I also feel I should train with a Kum Chib (scabbard) to help me get the draw ‘angles’ correct.

Having had an opportunity to play with a real sword (and scabbard), it’s just not the same as a wooden sword slid into your belt – and you have to put a real sword back into the right place too!

Unfortunately nobody has heard of anyone who makes one or has one in Peterborough and it may take some time to find something suitable. However, I just know this will become important if I am to progress.

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