
Welcome to my personal blog. This site is a record of my progress, development and struggle to attain a Black Belt in Haedong Kumdo – the ultimate Korean Sword Martial Art.

Here on these pages you will be able to join with me and follow my training, grading and achievements; view my failings and pathetic attempts as well as share in my more enlightened moments, as I undertake this personal challenge to once again reach the Dan Grades in a Martial Art.

25 July 2008

United Kingdom Web Site

The United Kingdom webiste for Haedong Kumdo has been updated with more photos - the photo on the left is of me and is one of many on the site.

Shaun Hughes has done another excellent job of the design - brilliant job.

22 July 2008

Haedong Kumdo - Philippines

I've been looking around the Internet (again) and found another Country has taken up this spectacular sword art.
I've placed a link with the others in the Haedong Kumdo Links section - wow. All interesting stuff and some great photos!

06 July 2008

Cart Wheel

I'm having a real difficulty with this one - who on earth thought this one up? The forward roll yes but the Cart Wheel looks like a scene from a Bruce Lee film (anyone else old enough to remember Bruce Lee? Chuck Norris? Ah well ..

And so, the conversation with my 7 year old daughter went along the lines of "Well Amy ... if you think you can do any better ...." Doh .. back to the drawing board!

10 June 2008

Gymnastics Anyone?

Hi, these acrobatic 'sword' moves - they really hurt, especially when you land, shall we say, not on your feet.




Anyhow, schools being what they are these days my daughter Amy has decided to take up Gymnastics. I take her to a club on Saturday afternoons and need to hang around for an hour. Or rather I did. Now, to fill in the time, I actually try and do the stuff .... laugh .... you will be.

Maybe it will be easier when my foot is better ... and my back ... and my arm ... and my .....?

08 June 2008

Competition Day

Well, it wasn’t to be really was it? Still I went along to the competition and had a great time. I am a little disappointed with the result but what could I expect other than to not win anything. I did win experience though!

The competition was really well attended and the Haedong Kumdo had entries from several clubs, including some guys from Scotland – wow! Thanks for coming guys, you did really well and I learnt lots!

The Haedong Kumdo ‘star of the show’ for me was Roy Curry. Roy won the Form competition in spectacular fashion with a beautifully performed Form which was truly amazing to watch. I’m a long way from that standard – but not as far away as I used to be! I also need to mention two colleagues Stuart Burton (1st in Draws) and Lewis Edwards (2nd in Draws) - a fantastic result.
Oh, and I must say a big thank you to those involved in organising it all - great job and worth every moment. Thanks!

The photo is of some of our Dragon Academy Tang Soo Do students – they did really well in the completion too, so deserve a mention and at least a photo. I think I’ll also have to think more seriously about taking up Tang Soo Do – in the future. Maybe without the sparing as I’m worried I may just grab someone and throw them - Ippon Seoinage? – it would be so cool, well, maybe not.

03 June 2008

Grading Day - 5th Gup

My colleagues seemed to whiste through this grading (show offs) but, I guess because of my foot injury (still painful), I found it really hard and was glad that it was all over and a little relieved to pass. I don't want to be in that state for a grading again.
And I have a competition to take part in this weekend - doh, why?
So there we are - another Grading completed, phew, am now a blue belt - I think that's about half way? Another two Forms taught and practiced - it's getting very taxing on the brain cells.

27 May 2008

All in the mind?

This injury is getting to me now. It seems the more I train the longer I’m going to be out of action. But I can’t go on at half speed – things to do, monsters to kill …. grading, competition and lots of other things to achieve.

One thing I have thought through though is completing Forms ‘in my head’. The idea may be of use to others and it seems to work for me so have a stab at it – no need to break your foot before you start!

Basically, find some quiet time and space and just imagine, in your head, that you are doing a particular Form or Draw. Take you’re time and concentrate it really works. I also check out the Form with the training book and/or my notes book and, surprisingly, have come up with a few revisions which I need to correct when next training for real.

I’m going to try the grading next week, with my foot and ankle strapped up, and then see how I get on before deciding on the competition for 8 June 2008.

25 May 2008


I’ve just been playing with my ‘live’ sword – like you do! Seeing what it will do, how it works, getting used to the weight and feel of the blade as well as trying not to imagine what would happen if I had an accident with it!

Now, about this razor sharp cutting edge, how to appreciate this? So I thought I would get out a banana and rest the blade on top of it to see what it would do. Doh!

Well as you can see – no effort, no hacking or downward force needed, the simple weight of the blade sliced through the banana skin all the way through in one clean, sharp cut. Ouch!

That’s my nerve gone for today – will practice again soon – oh dear!

20 May 2008

Broke my Foot - Update

Well, I’m over the shock of this training disaster? My left foot is still painful and bruised but at least the swelling has gone down. I’ve chipped a small bone off one of the other bones in my foot and it is now cutting into me when I move – especially when I train. (You didn’t think I was going to stop training did you?)

The Achilles tendon is still sore too – in fact more so than the break. It actually stops you from even walking properly – every step I take is painful and makes me limp. More frustratingly I can’t jump or twist or even stand on up my toes.

I will need to cut down on the training as it is pointless and I may even do more damage. I’m no longer sure about entering the competition, especially with me doing Yedo 5. I’m not even sure I will grade this time – what a setback!

Never say never though! And I can still swim!

16 May 2008

Broke my Foot!

How stupid can you be? I’ve not only broken a small bone in my left foot but pulled the Achilles tendon in my right leg at the same time. I thought I was at the bottom of the ladder but had one step to go – and missed.

It’s not a bad break, no need to set in plaster – it’s just swollen and very badly bruised. In fact it looks far worse than it feels – but my right leg is causing me lots of pain. Stupid, stupid boy!

I’ve got three weeks to my grading and four weeks to the competition – why now? I’m really in a bad mood. No training!

14 May 2008

Growing in Confidence

Just a review really – just so I can keep my brain in order. Computers write things to disc to free up memory so I’ll try the same? I feel I’m improving at last – not sure if others do – but things are starting to click into place. (Mostly my elbow!)

I can do all the stuff I need for my next grading three weeks away so I have time to improve some more and lessons in hand so to speak. My fitness and weight loss/muscle gain is all better, stretching still poor but increasing and I feel more alert, awake and alive!

The club has also put together a team of students to enter the June competition and I’ve been selected as Captain of the team – a nice thought, so let’s hope we all do well and clean up on the trophies.

June is looking like being an exciting month: grading, competition and, all being well, another visit by Grand Master Eddie from South Africa – fantastic!

09 May 2008

Criminal Justice Act ‘2008’ Amended

OK here is some great news!

It appears the Criminal Justice Act was amended on 3 April 2008 to allow decent folk to participate in the selling, making, hiring or importing Samurai swords in England and Wales.

Under this legislation a defence for a person charged under Section 141(1) of the Criminal Justice Act 1988 would be to state that the sword was required to participate in a historical re-enactment or a sporting activity (where the practising of a sport requires the use of a weapon) and the necessary insurance.

Full details of the legislation amendment can be found at:


Now that sounds much better!

06 May 2008

Competition - Yedo 5

Here is a little announcement? Not sure what I am letting myself in for but I have decided to enter our local Haedong Kumdo competition on 8 June 2008 – in all three Sections: Draws, Forms and Paper Cutting.

Cutting I can do – I just have to get lucky on the day. Draws – I’ll have to think – I only know twelve (well, twenty-four if you count both directions). I need to do five, consecutively, ending with a bow but which?

Forms! A big problem as I only know the first five well enough for a competition. I’m currently learning six and seven but I’ll not be ready with them in just a few weeks.

Before Christmas though we had a look at Yedo 5 – it’s a form I really like so I asked Master Giffen tonight if it would be OK to enter the Forms Section of the Competition with it.

Well, yes I can, but it will be a tall order. The trouble is, I was first in a similar competition last year doing Form 2 and, I guess, people will expect me to do the same again? However, the only other higher Forms I know just don’t flow with me yet. So if I stand a chance at all of doing well, I’ll have to do something else.

I don’t mind not winning – so long as I don’t come last – but I do like to push the boundaries as far and as high as I can and do my very best. I'll enjoy it anyhow - unless I fall over in the middle! Arrg - the thought of it. Don't go there.

27 April 2008

Forward Roll - Form 5

Had a spare afternoon in the garden this weekend and, well, one has to try it – so I did and here is the result. Ten attempts produced a ‘sword roll’ of sorts. This was not the best roll – but the best video. Thanks Zoe for taking the videos and for accidentally deleting the best one!

I can see in the video where I go wrong but should be able to correct that – when my bruises fade. I’d forgotten I used Judo mats to practice 'Ukemi' all those years ago. Still, I’m pleased with the results and can/will do better.

My next Grading will be on 3 June 2008 and I need it for then - with the rest of the Form.

22 April 2008

Forward Roll and Cart Wheel

This week I’ve come across and age old problem we all have to face sometime – old age! According to the syllabus Form 5 requires a forward roll and Form 9 a cartwheel! And, of course, I need these Forms for thier related Grading!

Should I really be throwing myself across the ground doing a forward roll or a cartwheel – with a drawn sword? To be honest is isn’t the sort of thing I’d planned to do with my retirement and at the age of fifty it’s going to be difficult.

Ha! It was going to be difficult at the age of twenty five but at least I could do rolls then as part of my Judo training. I’ve never done a cartwheel – yet!

Bring it on!

15 April 2008

United Kingdom Web Site

Just a reminder for everyone who reads the Blog, besides me. Some time ago I set up the Web Site http://www.haedongkumdo.co.uk/ .

I’m pleased to say that the site has now been written properly by a fellow Haedong Kumdo student, Shaun Hughes, who has many skills and talents – one of which also happens to be holding a Black Belt in Tang Soo Do!

I’ve placed a link above and in the Haedong Kumdo Links section of this Blog to the site, which is planned to be the Haedong Kumdo Web Site for the UK. If you need more information please email:

09 April 2008

Tang Soo Do

This is my daughter, Zoe, aged (nearly) eleven.
Apparently the 'nearly' bit IS important so "Pay attention," as she likes to remind me, politely.

Zoe has been watching my to and fro efforts with Haedong Kumdo and decided she would like to take up a Martial Art of her own – Traditional Tang Soo Do. So here she is, all ready to start and raring to go.

She forced me to put this picture of her on my Blog but don’t worry about the distraction – she can set up her own Blog and let you know how she’s getting on herself!

Seriously, she’s very keen and I hope she does well – but not better than me! (Smile). And I've been asked to join her in class! Doh?

06 April 2008

Criminal Justice Act ‘2008’

I can’t let the day pass without moaning that today sees the introduction of legislation against selling, making, hiring or importing Samurai swords in England and Wales – not sure if this includes Scotland? I think you can still own one!

Honestly, since carrying a sword in public is already illegal and a further 17 weapons, including, nunchucks (except those included with a Wii), knuckle dusters and batons are on the Offensive Weapons Order, which was created by the Criminal Justice Act 1988, I'm not sure why this new law is required.

Seriously? As Fay Goodman (British Iaido 7th Dan) (see photo) points out, “People need some protection but criminals could use anything. The biggest amount of knife crime is actually domestic violence. Guns were licensed but shootings have only increased."

25 March 2008

Haedong Kumdo - An International Sport

For many years I have been travelling around the world with different work commitments, hobbies and holidays.
Not surprisingly I enjoy travel, meeting people from other countries with vaious backgrounds, cultures, religions and now Haedong Kumdo!

When I first started training in January 2007 I met Jerre van Kuijk, a Dutch National working here in the UK, and we have spent a lot of time training together and entered competitions too.

Sadly, Jerre has decided to make a career move to work in Doha, Qatar and I think he will be missed. I wish him well and good fortune – and hope he can find somewhere good to train in Haedong Kumdo.

On reflection this is a small world and it is exciting to interact with fellow students in it.

20 March 2008

Anti Social Behaviour

Well, that took some time to resolve - thanks for bearing with me - so frustrating. It seems the long arm of the law has an even longer waiting list for taking action. But it feels good when it finally acts, and sorts it.

So now I can get on with my training without having a clouded mind and my family can get back to their lives too. All except one that is, poor Zoe. She's decided it would be fun to take up Tang Soo Do!

Started back swimming and training at the gym. I'm glad to be back and feeling much better already. Haedong!

11 March 2008

My Little Do-Jang!

Well, here we are again, that’s me in the photo (bad light in the Squash Court, sorry) training. I prefer to train in my Do-Bok, with bare feet, I guess so I don’t look too odd to the folk passing by who expect me to be swinging a Squash Racquet.

Some of my colleagues wear trainers in class but I just don’t like the feel and it may be something about my Judo days where it just wasn’t done. Anyhow, I need to learn both Forms 4 and 5 by June this year for Grading. Form 5 includes a forward dive roll with a drawn sword. That should be fun, not!

06 March 2008

Swords - Good and Bad!

Oh dear. Bought a really cheap sword – and I mean less than £5.00 including postage, cheap! No harm as I just wanted to take it apart and learn stuff without damaging one of my more expensive swords.

Take it apart? It almost fell apart. And whilst it looked fairly good on the outside and had a nice feel to it, weight and balance - it just wasn’t to be.

Look at the ‘tang’ of the blade, circled in red. It’s not a part of the blade at all. In fact there is a steel rod welded onto the end of the blade and the rest of the handle attaches round this rod.

One strike against a firm object and the sword would have snapped in two at the hilt – and who knows what else would have happened.
Be careful choosing a sword please - have a look again at the Sword Buyers Guide in the Student Resources Section.

26 February 2008

Grading Day - 6th Gup

Well, I did it! I’m now a Green Belt in Haedong Kumdo and it feels good.

What more can I say? It seems to have taken a long time but I do feel I am going somewhere now and a have a great understanding of what is needed and what it’s going to take to get there.

So many people have helped me, so once again, thank you to one and all!

19 February 2008

Master Frank Akkerboom - Netherlands

Tonight, during our Haedong Kumdo lesson, we had a guest visit from Holland – Master Frank Akkerboom (see photo). What a surprise!

He gave the class a demonstration in the use of two swords and I have to say it was spectacular beyond belief. How did he do that, together with a few gasps and admiring looks said it all. Yes, how did he do that?

Clearly I am light years away from it but hey, something to aim for – and it does look so good. But you have to start somewhere and his technique is awesome.

On the other hand – I’m not feeling too confident about the grading next week and this evening’s demonstration just shows how far I have to go. However, it does confirm to me, even more, that this IS where I want to go.

Thank you Master Frank for your inspiration.

12 February 2008

Anatomy Of Stretching

I guess I knew it was coming; stretching – just needed some help and I think I found it!

This book - Anatomy Of Stretching by Bradley E. Walker – is truly amazing – everything you wanted to know AND how to achieve it, in very simple terms.
So now I can set to work and increase my flexibility on a daily basis with the book open in front of me. Sounds too good to be true – we’ll see!

05 February 2008

Finding it Hard (Again)

I always sound like I’m having a moan but I just want to express my concern in public about my self inflicted misery through having a useless brain and a tired and unfit body.

Any Martial Art, as I recall, has as much to do with the fitness of the mind as well as the body. With my next grading coming up this month, the Anti Social Behaviour problem (which isn’t going away) and all the stuff about my fitness level and flexibility - I’m getting very stressed and just a little annoyed with myself.

Well, maybe it isn’t that bad but yesterday, not only did I managed to drop both Escima Sticks at the same time but I fell over as I tried to pick one of them up too!

I have two forms (Form 2 and 3) to perfect in the next two/three weeks, or I’m going to let myself and others down. Get a grip!

29 January 2008

Swimming to Fitness

Anti Social Behaviour! (Grr!) It’s amazing just how fast you can lose your fitness and how soon you can feel a difference. I haven't been going training, swimming etc to stay at home with the family. Consequently, last night saw me struggling in class with my balance, breathing and generally getting tired.
OK, so last night was a really good lesson – we went through again some of the stuff we already thought we knew only in more detail. Hard work really, doing the same stuff over and over, but I think it will be well worth it.

The Escrima Sticks are very useful – I can use them in a fairly small place – since they are much shorter than a Mokkum.

24 January 2008

Escrima Sticks?

I’m hoping this latest purchase – Escrima Sticks - will help my training schedule along just fine. I bought them off eBay for £2.99 and they look and feel great.

The plan is not to take up Escrima – a Filipino Martial Art (?) but just to use them to help me co-ordinate my body, in particular my hands, wrists and arms which quite often travel in the completely opposite way to which I told them to!

I’ll let you know the outcome, good or bad.

15 January 2008

Anti Social Behavior

An odd thing to mention in a blog really but sadly our family has become a victim of some quite serious ‘young kids’ Anti Social Behavior. I won’t go into much detail other than to say we have been threatened, our back door kicked in and damaged, firebombed through our letter box, our front door smashed in and eggs thrown at our house etc over the past few weeks.

As a family we don’t really understand the reason behind it all, other than it must be our turn, but the consequences on our daily life, especially for our three small children are quite dramatic.

So if things go a bit quite for a month or so whilst I concentrate on this more important issue, please just excuse the delay in my blogging. Cheers!

10 January 2008

Handforged Swords

Buying a sword and all the related equipment, sword stands, cleaning and maintenance kits, and gaining all sorts of knowledge about how to fix things must always be difficult for a novice. What do you do if your hand grip wrapping comes off?

My first serious problem occurred when I was cleaning and polishing my practice sword and noticed I had a spot of rust on the blade. I polish my sword almost every time I use it but it must have become wet or damp somehow when I put it away – and when I got it out again there it was, rust! Arrrrrg!

So I need another special mention for one very helpful Rod Waterhouse of RGW Handforged Katanas, the place I purchased my very first ‘Kakum’ sword from. Rod is very knowledgeable and happy to share his knowledge. His web site is http://www.rgwhandforgedkatanas.co.uk/ and you can also arrange to meet him to ‘try’ a sword before you buy.

I got the spot of rust out by the way without any problems and have added a few more Haedong Kumdo skills to my bow (!) which are not in the book.

09 January 2008

Happy New Year - 2008

Well, here we are again and almost exactly a year since I first started. I have a lot to do this year if I am to keep up and last night wasn’t the best of starts. I must have had a better Christmas than I thought, certainly on the food front, and If not that then my belt has shrunk.
Last night was hard work though we did only simple things – draws. However, quite rightly, we are going to up the level of technique this year to perfect all the little things. Sadly for me, I discovered I have taught myself a bad habit in draw three – not bringing the sword over and round the head when first drawn. It’s going to take forever to undo and redo.
A big lesson here – if you practice something wrongly you perfect an error!