
Welcome to my personal blog. This site is a record of my progress, development and struggle to attain a Black Belt in Haedong Kumdo – the ultimate Korean Sword Martial Art.

Here on these pages you will be able to join with me and follow my training, grading and achievements; view my failings and pathetic attempts as well as share in my more enlightened moments, as I undertake this personal challenge to once again reach the Dan Grades in a Martial Art.

31 December 2007

Year End Results - 2007

Phew! Well firstly a Happy New Year to all – what a year 2007 was for me. I think the photo here shows it all – big smile, happy face, a few trophies and a Yellow Belt. I’m going to pat myself on the back and say I did much better than I ever thought I would last year.

Next year, 2008, my guess is that it will be much harder. I have the basics in Haedong Kumdo and have gone from a white belt to full yellow belt, albeit in three grading exams, in one year. This year I hope to raise two or three belt colours: Green, Blue and Blue/Red and with a bit of luck maybe get to Brown (?). I need to learn a further eight Forms then – I only needed one for the first year – so it will be a tall order. And, of course, there is all the other stuff to deal with as well: cutting drills, perfecting draws, stances and free sparing to mention just a few.

As they say in papers – watch this space to see how I measure up.

07 December 2007

Special Trophy!

Humbled am I. Just when I thought I couldn’t do better, up pops a Special Award for my efforts this year. Presented to me by Master Paul Giffen it truly is ‘ice on the cake’.
Again, thank you to all those who have helped me this year, including my family and friends.

04 December 2007

Grading Day - 7th Gup

What a great end to a great week – especially after Sunday. Passed this grading feeling quite confident and at ease with Haedong Kumdo at last. I’m a Yellow belt, reminds me of 1974!
Thank you again to all who have helped, trained, demonstrated and encouraged me through this year.

02 December 2007

Christmas 'Trophy' Day

I’m still in shock. Wow, awesome – what a day! I entered this competition for the experience just hoping against hope that I wouldn’t come last, well at least not in everything.

And what happens? I have the Trophy’s to prove it otherwise I wouldn’t believe it myself but I won two firsts and a second out of the three individual competitions; Paper Cutting, Forms and Draws.

30 November 2007

Haedong Kumdo Syllabus

Searching the Internet for information I came across a web site in Scotland which has the Haedong Kumdo Syllabus in a PDF file format available for students to download - see (www.dkma.co.uk/students.htm).

I asked Master Warren De-Vry for permission to put a link here and he kindly agreed – thank you. I’ve also placed a link in the Student Resources section and a link to the Club in Forres, Scotland under the Clubs section.

Using the syllabus with the training guide - Vol 1 really works well for me. I can practice what I need to know and concentrate on that, whilst planning ahead for the stuff I will need to lear in the comming months/years.

20 November 2007

Swimming to Fitness

Objective achieved? Swimming is good for you and I think it has worked wonders for my training programme. I can maintain swimming thirty lengths in 30 minutes now and have just pushed it to thirty-two lengths which is exactly half a mile. That’s a good standard in my book and I’ll stick to that level. Swimming has been exceptional for toning my body and sliming me down to just over 15 st – which is a weight loss of almost 2 st in ten months. Everything is starting to get better!

21 October 2007

Grand Master Edward Jacobsen - South Africa

Training earlier this week was so fantastic with Grand Master Jacobsen that I just had to get some more. So I went again on Sunday morning. It was just a great, more so because I had a little knowledge of what I was trying to achieve.
In this photo Grand Master Jacobsen uses a Chukdo (Bamboo Sword) to spar with a more experienced student.

20 October 2007

Sword Grip Change

Just found a video on YouTube which helps explain the actions necessary for the change a sword grip. The link is here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfN499Z2f2s&feature=related have a look. I hope it helps as it is one of the biggest problems I have in handling the sword.
I'll put a link under the Student Resourses section for more information.

16 October 2007

Grand Master Edward Jacobsen - South Africa

Today was an opportunity just too good to miss – so I didn’t! Grand Master Jacobsen dropped in (from South Africa) to instruct us all personally in the art of Haedong Kumdo. What a fantastic evening it turned out to be and I just had to ask him to sign my little training book and get a photo. I have so much to learn and so far to go on this journey. Truely awesome!

09 October 2007

Haedong Kumdo - Finland

Well, I don’t speak any Finnish but I did find this website about Haedong Kumdo from there. If anyone searches YouTube for videos I’m almost certain I recognize these guys (from Bergie’s pony tail) - sorry, but the music is dreadful! Fantastic photos of the Art from dedicated followers though. I hope I’ll meet them one day.

Here is the link http://www.haedong-kumdo.fi/valokuvat/list/all/ it’s well worth a permanent link in the blog. Thanks for the inspiration guys – brilliant cartwheel Jose!

24 September 2007

Sword Buyers Guide

This link I found to be of use - information about how to buy a sword - and there are some brilliant videos to watch too (although sadly some links don’t work). I know that most of this information relates to Japanese swords but there is much more information here than a quick glance can reveal.
I’ve put a link in the Student Resources section for anyone to follow.

04 September 2007

Grading Day - 8th Gup

Passed again and though not entirely happy with my own performance I’m quite pleased for myself and my colleagues. A much better Grading Day now I have a greater understanding of Haedong Kumdo. A special thanks to Babs who made our new belts and a big thank you to Master Paul Giffen for his special advice and assistance to me!

27 August 2007

Swimming to Fitness

Holidays, don’t you just love them? They sure mess up your training programme. Returning to the pool has been hard after almost a month away. It’s amazing how you can lose a fitness edge in just a few weeks. Have dropped back to twenty-six lengths in 30 minutes and will have to pick up the pace!

19 August 2007

Holdiay Training

It’s holiday time. I’ve been away to the Forrest of Dean and Wales for three long weeks - fantastic. I did take the Mokkum but I only did about an hour of practice and it just wasn’t the same. I have a grading next week – I hope I can remember what to do. Anyhow, here’s a photo of Llywelyn ap Gruffydd – ‘Hero of Wales’.

07 August 2007

Happy 50th Birthday

Happy Birthday to me .... eight months ago I would have described today as me being fifty years old. With all that I have been doing this year though I now think life begins at 50! I wonder if SAGA do a 50+ discount on Martial Arts equipment?

Thanks again to everyone who has helped me get this far in my life.

25 July 2007

Mokkum and Kum Chib

Got one! A Mokkum and Kum Chib – really nice wooden training equipment – just perfect for Haedong Kumdo. My grateful thanks to Paul Long whom I met at a training seminar held by Master Mark Adlington in Sawtry, UK.

I think the total cost, including postage was £25.00 and you can get one from http://www.playwell.co.uk/ obviously subject to availability, price changes etc.

Absolutely invaluable for training and everything I thought it would be!

07 July 2007

Korean Swordsmanship

Wow, this looks interesting – “Korea's first metal swords are described in writings from the Paekche dynasty (18 B.C.-A.D. 668), a ruling power in ancient Korea that had substantial contact with Japan…”
A bit of History and just one view of the differences between Korean and Japanese swordsmanship.
I don’t know how accurate this ‘history’ is in Haedong Kumdo terms but I found it interesting reading. And, of course, you have to try some of these draws from on your knees – some work, I think?

I've put a link to this article in the Student Resources section.

12 June 2007

Ch'inkom and Kakum

Hey, look! What do you think of the swords? I have two new swords – real ones that is. One is sharp - Ch'inkom - for ‘live’ cutting (straw mats and bamboo) and the other quite blunt, - Kakum - just to practice with. Beautifully made they bring another dimension into the ‘Art of the Sword’.
However, they are much heavier than a Mokkum and more difficult to control too. Additionally, a whole new skill set is required to keep them clean and in a good, safe, condition which is very important.

02 June 2007

Anyone for Squash?

In April I mentioned that training and practice outside of the Do-jang was becoming a problem for me and so here is one possible solution? My local Health Club, the Manor Leisure Centre has allowed me to practice Headong Kumdo in a squash court. Sounds like a reasonably safe environment and not open to the elements. Apart from the strange looks I get though the viewing glass, it’s just the job and much cheaper than finding or hiring a hall for one.

20 May 2007

Group Photo

OK, not the best of photo’s, but here we are on Grading Day -
20 May 2007. I'm the white belt in the middle.

Grading Day - 9th Gup

This was my first grading test in almost twenty five years. Maybe I expected more from myself, the examination or both? I know it’s a mind set – but this isn’t the challenge I thought it was going to be – I think I’ve missed something here? Confused am I! Anyhow, I passed and now have a little black tag on my white belt. Coool.

17 May 2007

Haedong Kumdo UK - Website

Back in February I was saying how hard it was to find out anything about Haedong Kumdo on the Internet – it can’t be that new! Anyhow, one way around this (apart from this Blog) is to register my own Internet Domain – it’s only Twenty Pounds or so for a couple of years plus hosting – so I’ve done it.
I’ve let the Masters know that it is there and will get around to using it someday, soon I hope, but until then anyone can view the Nine Principles of Haedong Kumdo on the site which can be found, amazingly, at http://www.haedongkumdo.co.uk/

For now I've put a link into the site under the Haedong Kumdo links - oh, and one to the website of our colleagues in South Africa - http://www.haedongkumdo.co.za/


16 May 2007

First Trophy

What a surprise!
Arrived at an event expecting to learn something new and walked away with a trophy. Beginners luck or just good fortune it’s a great boost to my training plan.
Thank you to all those who took part in the competition, for their help, knowledge sharing and encouragement.

28 April 2007

Swimming to Fitness

Just a quick note about swimming and fitness. Everything the doctors say about health and swimming is correct, absolutely. I can do twenty lengths now and although I do have a rest here and there for a minute or so, I can complete the lot in less than 40 minutes.

In genreral, I might add, my whole body seems to be comming back to life - including my brain - which is much needed in this Martial Art for the concentration levels alone.

19 April 2007

Guide Book - Vol 1

Haedong! Bought a book – “Haedong Kumdo – The Ultimate Guide to the Korean Sword Martial Art. Volume 1.” ISBN # 978-0-620-38112-3. Price £15.00.

Fantastic reading, in English, and includes all that is to come in the syllabus up to 1st Dan. See the Student Resources links for more details.

17 April 2007

My Little Do-jang?

Training and additional practice other than in a Do-jang is always a problem, even more so when it involves a sword. Here I am in the garden – well away from the kids who are at school today. It’s supposed to be the P’alsang-se stance – to improve the balance. Unfortunately in April it’s cold, windy and often wet. Still, if that’s what it takes - I don’t mind a little pain. A tiny amount!

27 March 2007

Mokkum and Kum Chib

Hi again, Haedong!

I’ve been doing some thinking about my training and progress to date and have decided to make some changes. The Mokkom I started with in January is fine but it is a little small and too light for me. I also feel I should train with a Kum Chib (scabbard) to help me get the draw ‘angles’ correct.

Having had an opportunity to play with a real sword (and scabbard), it’s just not the same as a wooden sword slid into your belt – and you have to put a real sword back into the right place too!

Unfortunately nobody has heard of anyone who makes one or has one in Peterborough and it may take some time to find something suitable. However, I just know this will become important if I am to progress.

09 March 2007

Swimming to Fitness

This problem about fitness and being overweight is getting to me. I have absolutely no energy or precious little at the end of a long day when I have a bit of spare time. Oh, and by which time it’s dark, cold and miserable.

I know I’d collapse of a heart attack if I went to the local gym so am taking an easier option, I think (?), swimming. Went for the first time last night (in probably ten years) and swam six, 25 meter lengths (with a rest at each end). It took about 30 minutes – ouch. Still, I didn’t drown and slept like a log.

I’ll try and add two lengths more each week and see how it goes.

06 March 2007

Sword Draw Three (Front)

This week I was taught Draw Three and with the nice weather thought I would have a go in the garden and video the result. Not much of a result – it doesn’t even look right. Still, I enjoyed learning about video editing.

Would anyone like to comment on the Draw … or the Video. Ouch!

24 February 2007

Haedong Kumdo Clubs

I’ve been telling a few of my old friends about this Martial Art. Some have expressed an interest and want to find out more. Alas there is hardly anything to be found on the Internet so as I find out details of the various clubs in and around the UK, (World) I’ll post some links here on this blog for anyone to read. If you know of any please feel free to add a comment.

19 February 2007


I don't beleive it! I'm not eligible for this first grading as I am not 'time qualified'. Never come across this before - you were ether good enough or not? How things have changed - can't say I agree with it but hey - I joined the club and they have rules. Grrr - frustrating.

12 February 2007

Finding it hard(er)

I can’t do this? It is such a drain and I’m tired all the time after a good training session – sometimes for days. OK, I never expected it to be easy, certainly not a walk through but really, I’m so unfit and so overweight. The combination makes a desparate situation.
Went to see the Doctor this week? He was a great help, not. Still at least I can confirm that I am, in medical terms, defined as clinically obese. It is all down to me - in getting like this in the first place and finding a solution to it!

01 February 2007

Got the Jitters

Just having a few jitters after the last lesson. If I say 'Sodo-se' then I guess I don’t have to say to much more to those in the know. I ache in places I never knew I had! Even the 'Kima-se' feels odd and looks even worse. How do they do that! I think I’ll keep this Blog a secret for this first year?
I also need to get a grip of the Korean language - it's nothing like Japanese. Doh! Stupid thing to say!

17 January 2007

About Me

Ooops, just realised that anyone reading this Blog won’t have a clue about me or what is going on here. It’s a long story as they say but I’ll try and be brief.

A long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away …. there was this young, fighting fit, Judo bloke called Steve Allan. He started his Martial Arts training at the end of 1974 having joined the Royal Air Force. In those days of olde one could scream through the grades and it wasn’t long before he was not only a Black Belt, but fighting, and winning competitions for the RAF Judo Team around the world.

He left the RAF in 1984 and lost touch with his Judoka colleagues, gradually putting on weight and becoming increasingly unfit until he grossed 17st 10lb by 2005. Hard to believe but you have to see the photos – which are not going to be shown to you!

Anyhow, to cut a long story short, I retired in 2002 (ish) but had to give that life up when my son, Luke, was born in April 2005 – he’s such a treasure – but I want to be there for him when he is older and to do that, I need to live a healthier lifestyle!

12 January 2007

Master Paul Giffen - United Kingdom

Early days but my Instructor for Haedong Kumdo sword will be Master Paul Giffen of Giffen’s Tang Soo Do. (3rd Dan Haedong Kumdo, 4th Dan Master Tang Soo Do, 3rd Dan Ki Do, 2nd Dan Kickboxing).
The Peterborough Haedong Kumdo Club meet most
Tuesday Evenings between
7.45 - 8.45 pm at:

The Cresset
Cambs PE3 8DX

Telephone: 01733 333523 for more information

09 January 2007

Dragon Black Belt Academy

Well, here we go on the long or short adventure. I’ve taken the first step and joined the Dragon Black Belt Academy in Peterborough, UK. I have all the equipment I need to start Haedong Kumdo and have had my first lesson. It was not too bad at all and there are a great bunch of guys and girls to train with.

02 January 2007

Happy New Year - 2007

We all make New Year’s resolutions and so here is mine – who knows how long it will last? The photo is from Christmas Day that’s me (on the left) and my daughter Amy on the right. In the middle is a brand new Mokkum – a wooden sword from my friends Mat and Babs.

My New Year’s resolution is to take up the ancient Korean sword art of Haedong Kumdo. I’ve already bought a Do-bok (uniform) and will be off down to the Do-jang (training gym) later this week for my very first lesson.

I’ll be fifty (50) in August this year and I’m just wondering what is in store – what a time to start again.